Medical Gigong is the field that is actively utilized in diagnosis and treatment and prevention of diseases in principle of Korean Medicine. It can maintain and promote health, extend the life, and arouse potential ability, by controling the functions of Jung(ïñ)¡¤Shin(ãê)¡¤Gi(Ѩ)¡¤Hyeol(úì), the five viscera and the six entrails(çéíôë»Ý°) and the meridian, and by using method of mind control(ðàãý), body control(ðàãó), breath control(ðàãÓ). |
¢º The first origin of Medical Gigong is derived from the Ancient Times
¢º In Korea, the immortal hermit idea(ãêà¹ÞÖßÌ) were popular from the Ancient Times. Shido(ãêÔ³) or Shinsundo(ãêà¹Ô³) has existed since the Dangun Wang Geom era or before. From this point of view, the origin of the Sun-ga (à¹Ê«) was from Korea, and it is estimated that this Yangsaengbeop(å×ßæÛö) was passed from Korea to China
¢º In the Three Kingdoms period, there was a traditional Yangsaengbeop(å×ßæÛö) called Saseon(ÞÌà¹) and Kukseon(ÏÐà¹) in the Silla Dynasty, which were combined with the Taoism idea(ԳʫÞÖßÌ) that were introduced from China.
¢º During the Goryeo Dynasty, Buddhism and Taoism were the most prevalent, and these ideas helped to Yangsaengbeop(å×ßæÛö).
¢º Medical Gi-Gong are closely related to the thought of nourishing life(å×ßæÞÖßÌ) of the 'So Moon(áÈÙý) Yellow Emperior's Nei-Ching(üÜð¨Ò®Ìè)'.
¢º In 'Dongeuibogam(ÔÔì¢ÜÄÊø)', Yangsaeng(å×ßæ) and medical science are woven into a system. |
1) [Biological Function Test; 2101.75; Gi-Gong Body Response Test] : Action of checking the patient's condition by accepting the patient's Gi flow as part of the diagnostician's body, in order to diagnose a patient's lesion and distinguish the Pal-gang(ø¢Ëµ) of the patient
2) [Meridian Biological Function test; 2201.40 ; Magnetic Resonance Test]: Action of checking the patient's condition according to the patient's meridian circulation course by using a Bosabeop(ÜÍÞáÛö) with the negative and positive pole of the magnet
3) [Distinct Meridian Biological Function Test; 2203.15 Gi-Gong Media Response Test]: Action of checking the condition of an illness as a general Gi-Gong test. A method of identification of Cold-Heat and Deficiency-Excess(ùÎæðúÈãù) of a meridian due to resonance of a Gi by using various media. |
Medical Gigong is in the category of Korean medicine, and is able to restore the health of the mind and body by controlling the functions of Jeong(ïñ), Shin(ãê), Gi(Ѩ), Blood(úì), Ojang-yukbu(çéíôë»Ý°), and Meridian(ÌèÕ©) through a method such as a Guidance of Gi-Gong Exercise using Moving Exercise(ÔÑÍí) and Staying Exercise(ð¡Íí), and Extra-Gi Therapy(èâѨۡÍí).
Also, Medical Gigong can be applied to diseases such as mental nervous system, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, respiratory system, endocrine system, genitourinary system, gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, etc.
1) [4501.00 Guidance of Gi-Gong Exercise as Symptomatic Therapy]: Action of Guiding Gi-Gong Exercises that can improve the meridian circulation of a part of the body, to enhance the natural restoration of the human body, to maintain homeostasis, and to promote recovery of damaged areas by discharging of Sa-Gi(Þ÷Ѩ) and enhancing of Jung-Gi(ïáѨ).
2) [4501.05 Guidance of Gi-Gong Exercise as Systemic Therapy]: Action of guiding Gi-Gong Exercises suitable for patients by combining two or more method such as Moving Exercise(ÔÑÍí), Staying Exercise(ð¡Íí), and Doin-beop(ÓôìÚÛö), when two or more meridian points and viscera are in the mismatch in Gi-Gong Diagnosis
3) [4501.10 Extra-Gi Therapy Through the Media]: Action to maximize the effectiveness of the media by releasing Extra-Gi while undergoing treatment such as acupuncture, cupping, magnet.
4) [4501.15 Contact Extra-Gi Treatment]: Action which is performing in contact with patients, in order to smooth the Gi flow by releasing accumulation(îÝ) caused by the meridian flow's degradation and Sa-Gi(Þ÷Ѩ) using Extra-Gi generated from hands
(press(äÎ), rub(Ø«), scrub(?), push(õÏ), pull(ÑÚ), tap(ÚÐ), beat(öè), vibrate(òÉïµ))
5) [4501.20 Non-contact Extra-Gi Treatment]: Action which in performing in non-contact with patients, in order to achieve harmony between the mind and the body by improving of the meridian circulation and enhance the Right-Gi(ïáѨ) using Extra-Gi directly generated from hands.
(Radiation Extra-Gi to Partial and full-body meridian)
6) [4501.25 Special Extra-Gi Treatment]: Action which is performing in non-contact with patients, in order to to achieve harmony between the mind and the body by improving of the meridian circulation and enhance the Right-Gi(ïáѨ) using a high level quality Extra-Gi directly generated from hands.
(Spreading out Extra-Gi Treatment(ÓáÍí), High Level Quality Exstra-Gi Treatment by pouring into the top of head(δð¢)).
Postal Code : 10029 /
160-10, Masong-ri, Tongjin-eup, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
The Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong / Tel 031-999-2222 / Fax 02-999-2200
Copyright(c) 2003 The Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. All rights reserved.