| Manuscript Submission Policy
1. General Principles
The journal's submission policy is based on Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals made by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Non-presented details will follow general principles from above requirements

1-1. Qualifications for Submission
Being a Member of the Korean Academy of medical Gi-Gong is the general qualification of a submitter. The exception is when the submitter is appointed or recognized by the Editorial Office
1-2. Types of Manuscripts
The journal contains Korean Medicine or Medical Gi-Gong associated original research articles, reviews, clinical & case reports, etc.
1-3. Consideration and Publication Order
Publication of manuscripts is determined after being audited by several judges whom Editorial office appointed and passing the deliberation of Editorial Office. Order of adopted manuscript will be set as a sequence of final manuscript reception
1-4. Duplicate and unauthorized Publication
Manuscripts already published and written in the same language in other journals and other periodicals cannot be contributed in this journal, and the manuscripts published in this journal cannot be reproduced arbitrarily
1-5. Evaluation and Submission Fe
For all manuscripts except solicited manuscript, prescribed evaluation and submission fee can be charged, which should be completely paid to the reception desk following the submission of the manuscript.
1-6. Protection of Patients' Privacy
In the Case-Report, Patients' personal information such as the patient's name, resident's number and patient's log number must not be exposed.
The Role of the Editorial Office
Editorial Office receives inquiries about sending or editing manuscript. Editorial Office can request for corrections about the format or quantity of the manuscript to the author. If it is needed in the manuscript, Editorial Office can modify phrases and format within the scope of modification that would not affect the original, as to the committee's will. All manuscripts will not be returned after submission.
1-8. Copyright
Copyright of all manuscripts published on this journal belongs to the Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong.

2. Journal Publishing and Summition of Manuscript
This journal is published two times per year(in the first half and the second half), and the manuscripts are received throughout the entire year. The date of receiving is when the manuscript is arrived at the Editorial Office, and the date of correction is when the corrected manuscript has arrived at the Editorial Office, and the date of adoption is when the final corrected manuscript is assigned to be posted by the Editorial Office. However, the schedule may be subject to change according to the circumstances of the academy ).

3. 3. Submission Way
The submission will be made online at the academy's homepage("http://www.gigong.or.kr"). When contributing, the original file, Application for Publishing & Copyright Transfer Agreement, and the evaluation fee must be submitted together. Two files should be sent, the original file containing the author's name, the affiliation, acknowledgements, and research support funding and the other without them.

4. Quantity of Manuscript
Quantity of manuscript should not be exceeded 15 pages with A4 (210¡¿297mm) white paper generally. The author pays for the amount of manuscripts that are exceeded.

5. Thesis (Original Article) Style
Paper(except Clinical & Case Report, Review) should include a title page, abstract (English), keywords, texts, acknowledgements, references, tables, figure legends and figures. The text is subdivided into introduction, methods, results, consideration, and summary.
5-1. Title Page
1) Title. Concise and informative. The first letter of all words except preposition and article should be capitalized. 2) Author full names (Korean and English) and affiliations. 3) Supporters of research funds, etc. 4) Corresponding author. (telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address). If the Korean title goes over 30 letters or English title goes over 15 words, the author should scribe Running Head on the end of title page (within 10 letters in Korean, 5 words in English)
5-2. Authors
Authors listed in the article should have the requirement for an author. Each author should have made a substantial intellectual contribution to a submitted manuscript to accept public responsibility for its content. Requirement for author includes all of the following: 1) conceptualization and design of the study, and/or acquisition of the data, and/or analysis and interpretation of the data; 2) drafting and/or critical revision of the manuscript; and 3) approval of the final version to be published.
The authors should be classified as ¨ç first author, ¨è co-authors ¨é corresponding author, and the writing order of the authors should be the first author and then the co-author, but the corresponding author should be written separately at the bottom. Editor can ask each author's role in research.
5-3. Abstract
Abstract should be written in English and it should be concise and factual. The title, authors' full name, institutional affiliations, and texts should be no more than 250 words. The author should divide the abstract into objectives, methods, results and conclusions.
1) Objectives : Describe simply and clearly on why this study was performed and what is the purpose to be achieved in one to two sentences. The purpose written here should be consistent with the subject of the manuscript and with what is described in the introduction.
2) Methods : This should be described in details what and how has been done to achieve the purpose of the study described in the first paragraph. This should include what kinds of data were collected, how the data was analyzed, and how the bias was adjusted.
3) Results : The results should logically present and suggest a detailed data about the observation and analysis from using the methods written above.
4) Conclusions : Conclusions reached from the results of this study should be described in one to two sentences, and should be coincided with the purpose of the study described in the first paragraph.
Key Words : Authors must in the same step select 6 keywords in an alphabetical order. At this time, the keywords must use MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) listed on Index Medicus. When the keywords are in Korean Medicine terminology, Korean Medicine prescription name or a name of acupuncture, record by referring to WHO-IST and WHO international standard for acupuncturing parts.
¡Ø WHO-IST(WHO International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region)
5-4. Text
The text should be in the order of introduction, subject or material and method, conclusion, consideration, and references while each item can be combined or omitted out of necessity. Clinical and Case-Report and Review Article may have different formats. In the introduction, the objective of research and a brief background must be mentioned.
The method should include subject such as animals for experiment, method, experiment tool (state manufacturer and model) and procedure, etc. In case of being performed using the same methods, they must be described adequately and in detail for other researchers to reproduce and the statistical examination of result must also be recorded.
The result should be recorded in the same order as the order of diagrams but must not show repetition about table of text or data of illustration. Only the important observation results should be emphasized and summarized.
The consideration should be prepared based on new and important aspects of research as well as the conclusion from them, but the literary consideration irrelevant with result should be avoided.
1) Terminology : Academic terminologies should be in Korean if possible and can be written in English or Chinese only if there is a trouble translating them.
2) Abbreviation : Only standard abbreviations are used. Avoid the use of abbreviations in the thesis title and the abstract. When first using abbreviation in the text, state the formal name first and indicate its abbreviation in the parentheses, which then the abbreviation itself may be used. Except abbreviations for standard measurement units, avoid using abbreviation that is not generally used.
3) Indication of proper noun, numbers and measurements : Use original language for a name of person, region and other proper noun; Arabic numerals for numbers; metric system for weights and measures. Record temperature in Celsius and blood pressure in mmHg. Measurements of hematology examination and clinical chemistry should use metric system of International System of Units, SI. Leave space between measurements and numerical values and indication of units.
4) Name of medication : As a principle, use general names rather than product names. However, if indication of product names are important for evaluation of result or trace result, it may be indicated.
¨ç Name of herbal prescription should prioritize being written in Korean pronunciation by expressing uppercase only in the first letter. Words that stand for ingredients such as soup, acid or pill should be indicated after by lower case letters using a hyphen(-).
(e.g.) Chungpesagan-tang(Qingfeixiegan-tang)
¨è Names of herbs should not only be indicated by herb medicine but with name, used parts, and process in appropriate English.
(e.g.) Gamcho(϶) : Broiled root of Glycyrrhiza uralensis FISCH
5) Distinction of article
Distinction of article in Korean text should be used in Arabic numerals.
¿¹ : 1, 2, 3, 1), 2), 3), (1), (2), (3), ¨ç, ¨è, ¨é
5-5. Figure and tables
1) Title of figures and tables are written in English and the same rules are applied for contents within the table.
2) For the title of the table, all first letters should be capitalized excluding preposition and articles.
3) Compose table without using vertical lines. Give a number and a brief title for the table in order referred in the text. Abbreviation cannot be used in the title by principle.
4) The explanation on category is inserted to footnote and not inserted to heading. Non-standard abbreviations used in tables are all explained in footnotes. In footnote, symbols are used for explanations and thy are used in the following order : *, ¢Ó, ¢Ô, ¡×, ¡«, ¢Ò, **, ¢Ô¢Ô.
5) Explanation of figure should be indicated in English as principle and the first letter should be capitalized and the rest in small letters.
6) Figures should be submitted in full design and clear form, and the arrows pointing above, the author's name and serial number should be recorded on the back, and the titles and descriptions of all pictures should be recorded on a separate page.
7) By principal, there should be no more than 10 tables and figures(including photographs). In unavoidable cases, the exceeding expenses should be paid by the author.
8) If the author asks for a color figure(or photograph), the author will pay for it.
5-6. References
Ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). All references are prepared in English as a general rule. Reference citations in the text should be made with consecutive numbers in square brackets. In the References section, they should be listed in the order of citations within the text, together with the corresponding number. Abstract should not be used for references. A references that has been decided on publication but has not yet been published will end with "in press". English names should be written as last name first and the rest should be initialized. And the number of references should be 40 or less in case of original work and 20 or less for case report as a general rule(but excluding the review thesis.). The form of writing a reference follows Vancouver group¡¯s presentation.
1) Academic paper thesis : Name of author. title. name of journal. publishing year;volume(issue):starting page-ending page.
Write last name first and write initials for the rest in case of having 6 or less authors while writing 6 people in order and mark ¡®, et al.¡¯ in case of having 7 or more authors. Next, write the title of the thesis, name of academic paper based on abbreviation, publishing year, volume(number) and first page & last page of corresponding thesis.
(e.g. 1) Kang HJ, Kim BG, Jang SC, Lee JH. A The introduction of Martial Arts Stretching and NAEGA-walking Training of MOOSIM Gigong. J. of Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. 2014;14(1):1-38
(e.g. 2) Kamby C, Andersen J, Ejlertsen B, Birkler NE, Rytter L, Zedeler K, et al. Histological grade and steroid receptor content of primary breast cancer:Impact on prognosis and possible modes of action. Br J Cancer. 1988;58:480-6
2) Books : Name of author. name of book. # edition [if not first]. place of publication:publisher. publishing year:number of pages.
In the case of a Korean textbook, it is required to provide bibliography information in English in principle, and the written information can be written in parentheses. However, if writing in English is difficult, it can be an exception.
(e.g. 1) Colson JH, Armour WJ, Sports injuries and their treatment. 2nd rev. ed. London:S. Paul. 1986:155.
(e.g. 2) Royal Secretariat. The Daily Records of Royal Secretariat (¡ºã¯ïÙêÂìíÑÀ¡»). National Institute of Korea History. King In-Jo part. 6 years September 2.
(e.g. 3) Á¶±âÈ£. Çѹæó¹æÀÇ µ¿¼ÀÇÇÐÀû Çؼ®¹æ¹ý·Ð. ¼¿ï:°í·ÁÀÇÇÐ.1999:150.
3) Chapter within book : Name of author. chapter name:name of book editor. name of book. # edition [if not first]. place of publication:publisher. publishing year:starting page-ending page.
(e.g.) Foster DW. Diabetes mellitus. In: Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, Wilson JD, Martin JB, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, eds. Harrison's textbook of medicine. 14th ed. NewYork:McGraw-Hill. 1998:2060-81.
4) Dissertation/Thesis : Name of author. title. [thesis type]. publishing city:publishing country. name of university. publishing year:number of pages.
(e.g.) [Ph.D. Thesis] Kim DS. The Comparative Study of Daoyinshi(ÓôìÚá§) in ¡ìLingjianzi(çÏËüí)¡í and Daoyinfa(ÓôìÚÛö) for the five viscera in ¡ìDongyibogam(ÔÔì¢ÜÄÊü)¡í. [Ph.D. Thesis]. Seoul:Republic of Korea. Graduate School of Dongguk University. 2008:68.
(e.g.) [Master¡¯s Thesis] Kim KJ. Analysis of Qigong-related present state and of satisfaction of Qigong lecture in College of Oriental Medicine. [Master¡¯s Thesis], Daegu:Republic of Korea. Graduate School of Daegu Haany University. 2009:51.
5) Data of Electronic Media
(e.g.) Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 1995 Jan-Mar[cited 1996 Jun 5]; 1(1):[24 screens]. Available from: URL:http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/eid.htm

6. Manuscripts other than Original Article
General details should go by the Original Article.
6-1. Review Article / Editorial Article
Review article is a consideration focused on a specific title and is published by the requesting of the editorial board.
6-2. Case-Report
1) The entire amount should be prepared as 10 pages or less of A4 sized paper.
2) The order of thesis should be
A. Title, Author(affiliation, name); B. English Abstract and Keywords (2 to 5);
C. Introduction; D. Case; E. Consideration; F. Summary;
G. Acknowledgements; H. References. I. Table J. Figure
3) English abstract and summary should be no more than 150 words without classification of category.
4) The consideration should be focused on specific part emphasized by the case and lengthy literary consideration should be avoided.
5) The number of references should be no more than 20.
6-3. Clinical Album
The clinical album is to deliver the details through photographs and their explanation, as it has the main purpose of education through photographs unlike the creative original article. The manuscript should be prepared within 1/2 page of A4 sized paper and there only be 4 or less photos or figures, and there should only be 5 or less references.
6-4. Essay
Korean Medicine Doctor¡¯s general interest or personal opinions on specific trend of the field related to health should be described. The manuscript should be prepared within 4 pages of A4 sized paper and references should be limited to 5 or less.
6-5. Comment
As the part written by getting comment request on specific thesis published on the journal, the opinion of academic society is not reflected. The manuscript should be prepared within 4 pages of A4 sized paper and references should be limited to 10 or less.
6-6. Medical Lecture
Request is made related to the topic determined by the editing committee. The manuscript should be prepared within 4 pages of A4 sized paper and references should be limited to 5 or less.
6-7. Subscriber Letter
Constructive criticism or opinion is described on specific thesis published on academic journal within 6 months. The manuscript should be prepared within 1 pages of A4 sized paper and references should be limited to 5 or less.

7. Research Ethics Regulation
7-1. Purpose
The purpose of this regulation is to present the basic principles and directions necessary for members who wish to contribute a paper to the journal of the Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong(hereinafter referred to as "the Academy") or present at an academic presentation to prevent research-related irregularities and to secure research ethics and integrity.
7-2. Objects of Application
This regulation applies to all members who contribute or publish their researches to the academy and to their work.
7-3. Coverage of Application)
Any research contributed to or published through our Academy must comply with this regulation except pursuant to the special provisions of upper laws and regulations established by national institutions.
7-4. Basic Principles
Every author who publishes or contributes a research to our Academy shall contribute or publish a creative research based on one¡¯s own scholarly conscience and comply with these ethics regulations for the aims set forth in the Articles of Academy and for the academic development of the relevant fields.
7-5. Protection of Human Rights for Patient
When an object of a study is human, predicate on Helsinki declaration, purpose and method of study, procedure, risk, benefit of study, and maintenance of secrete on object of study has to be given to the patient and guardian, and voluntary agreement should be obtained.
In the case of a young child and adolescent under 18, both the patient and the guardian should write the agreement. However, when it is difficult to get an agreement in writing by a young child under 14, an oral explanation should be given under the attendance of a guardian where an agreement must be obtained. However, in the case of natural observation, when observation is in public place, anonymity of object child is perfectly guaranteed, and it is judged that it has no negative influence on the object of study, then, a written agreement does not have to be obtained.
7-6. Protection of Animal Rights for Object
When an object of a study is an animal, it needs to be considered under a professional standard that the study method, species of animal used, and number of an animal is proper, and secure, taken care of, throughout the use and process of the animal. Also, effort must be made to reduce pain and inconvenience of the animal, and steps made for this should be written.
7-7. Definition of Research Misconduct
Definition of Research Misconduct(hereinafter referred to as the ¡°Misconduct¡±) as presented in this Regulation refers to as follows
1)Misconduct refers to the acts of forgery, falsification, plagiarism, and improper indication of thesis author in the course of the report or presentation of research suggestions, performance, evaluation, results, etc. and the terms are defined as follows.
¨ç ¡°Counterfeiting¡±, which is the case of creating data or research results that do not exist
¨è ¡°Falsification¡±, which is the case of distorting research information or results by artificially manipulating research materials, equipment, process, or by randomly transforming or deleting data.
¨é ¡°Plagiarism¡±, which is the case of fraudulent use of other people¡¯s ideas, research content, results, etc., without appropriate approval or quotation. Even if the source was revealed, it would be plagiarism to present part of it as if it were his research or idea.
¨ê ¡°Improper indication of thesis author¡± is a behavior that does not give the qualification of thesis author to a person who made academic, technical contribution on contents or result of research without proper reason, or granting someone who did not make academic, technical contribution on contents or result of research a qualification of thesis author.
2) The case of willfully interfering with investigating allegations of one¡¯s own or someone else¡¯s Misconduct and harming the informant.
3) The case of seriously deviating from the range of academia that is commonly accepted.
7-8. Compliance with Ethics Regulations
The members of the academy shall comply with this regulation and must check, sign, and submit an Application for Publishing & Copyright Agreement in the "Research Ethics" field when applying for contribution or publication.
7-9. Effects of Violations
Any person who violates this regulation shall be expelled from this Academy. The Academy also exercises the rights to indemnity for all civil, detectives, and administrative responsibility imposed on the academy for the conduct of this person.
7-10. Objection Request
In the event of a person's objection, the academy shall organize a research ethics committee to determine it and review it.
7-11. Research Ethics Committee
The Research Ethics Committee shall be organized if necessary.
7-12. Other
Other matters not specified in this section shall be determined in accordance with the relevant laws and social norms.
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