Article 1. (Name)
The association is affiliated with the Society of Korean Medicine and is referred to as the "ÓÞùÛì¢ÖûѨÍíùÊüå" (hereinafter referred to as "the Academy"). In English, it is called "THE KOREAN ACADEMY OF MEDICAL GI-GONG."
Article 2. (Office)
The head office may be set up and departments can be placed in each cities or provinces as needed.
Article 3. (Purpose)
The purpose of the Academy is to promote the development of Korean medicine and Medical Gi-Gong as well as the strengthening of ties and friendship between members.
Article 4. (Activites)
The Academy is performing the following tasks in oder to success his purpose.
1. Research and development of Korean Medicine through the Medical Gi-Gong.
2. Reception and information exchange concerning the technology of Medical Gi-Gong.
3. Interchange and training of the Medical Gi-Gong.
4. The publication of journals and academic exchanges.
5. International exchanges with any other foreign societis of the Medical Gi-Gong.
6. Any other business aimed towards achieving the purpose.
Article 5. (Membership)
Members of the Academy are members of the Association of Korean Medicine or non-members who have received the prescribed admission procedures. Membership is divided into Honorary Members, Regular Members and Associate Members.
1. Honorary Member : A member who is considered to be a remarkable contribution to the development of Medical Gi-Gong and is appointed by the Board of Directors with approval.
2. Regular Member : A member of the Association of Korean Medicine who is interested in the research of the Medical Gi-Gong in which they have paid a small fee and was approved by the Board of Directors.
3. Associate Member : A member who is not a member of the Association of Korean Medicine, but is interested in the research of the Medical Gi-Gong and has passed the screening process by the Board of Directors.
Article 6. (Member's Duty)
The members of the Academy should comply with the rules and resolutions, and should pay the membership fee, annual fee, and other charges.
Article 7. (Member's Right)
1. Regular members have the right to vote and to be elected..
2. Members may request a Membership Certificate and a recommendation of the membership.
3. Members who have completed their membership fees and other duties may receive a membership card.
4. Members are entitled to publish their papers in the academic journal and have the rights to receive preferential treatment in all activities of the Academy.
Article 8. (Loss of Qualifications and Recovery)
1. A person who has not paid the membership fee for two years after continuing without a justifiable reason will be disqualified.
2. When a person who is disqualified is to pay the membership fee and recover his or her membership, he or she shall decide after deliberation by the board of directors.
Article 9. (Board Member)
The following members of the Board may be appointed:
1. Adviser : a few people.
2. Advisory Council : a few people.
3. Honorary Chairperson : Some people.
4. Chairperson : 1 person.
5. Chief Vice Chairperson : 1 person.
6. Vice Chairperson : 3 people.
7. Director : about 15 people.
8. Auditor : 1-2 people.
Article 10.(Board Member¡¯s Duty)
1. The Chairperson should represent the Academy, oversee its functions, and should be the Chairperson of the General Meeting and the Board of Directors.
2. The Vice Chairperson should assist the Chairperson. And in the event of the chairperson's resignation, the Chief Vice Chairperson should assume his duties.
3. The Directors should organize the Board of Directors under the assignment of duties such as academic, planning, editing, promotion, education, computing, insurance, international exchange, training, and free office.
4. The Auditors audit the affairs of the Academy and the financial affairs.
Article 11. (Board Member¡¯s Term of Office)
1. The term of office of the board members should be two years.
2. A board member must execute the duties until the successor is determined even if the term of office expires.
3. Board members may be appointed in succession.
Article 12. (Election of Board Members)
1. The Chairperson and the Audit should be elected by the General Meeting. Vice Chairpeople and Directors should be appointed by the Chairperson and approved by the General Meeting.
2. The Advisers, the Advisory Councils, and the Honorary Chairperson should be recommended by the Board of Directors and should be approved by the General Meeting.
3. If it is inevitable, it will be ratified.
Article 13. (By-Election of Board Member)
When a board member's vacancy occurs, the by-election is held at the Board of Directors and approved by the General Meeting.
Article 14. (Type of Meeting) The types of meetings are the General Meeting and the Board of Directors.
Article 15. (Organization of General Meeting)
The General Meeting should consist of all members. And only regular members should have voting rights and the General Meeting should be composed of the attendees.
Article 16. (Call a General Meeting)
1. The General Meeting has regular and temporary meetings.
2. The General Meeting should be convened annually by the Chairperson between January and March.
3. The temporary General Meeting should be convened by the Chairperson or by at least one third of the total members or by the request of the Board of Directors.
4. The Chairperson presides over the General Meeting.
5. The General Meeting should be called 15 days in advance.
Article 17. (The Resolution and Reporting of General Meeting)
1. The resolution of the General Meeting is decided by the approval of a majority of the members present, and when the approval and opposition are equal, the Chairperson must decide whether to reject it or not
2. The Chairperson should prepare and report to a minutes at the next General Meeting.
Article 18. (Matters to be Decided at the General Meeting)
1. Matters related to the enactment and revision of the regulations.
2. Matters related to budget and settlement.
3. Matters related to business plans.
4. Matters related to the board member elections.
5. Matters related to admission fees, annual membership fees and other charges.
6. Matters submitted by the Board of Directors.
7. Others.
Article 19. (Board of Directors)
1. The Board of Directors should consist of the Chairperson, the Chief Vice Chairperson, the Vice Chairpeople, the Directors, and the Auditors.
2. The Board of Directors should be held every two months. However, the meeting may be held on a request of three or more board members or the Chairperson.
3. The Board of Directors should resolve with the approval of two-thirds of its members.
Article 20. (Committee)
The Academy may establish a special committee if it is necessary for the development of the basic, and clinical medicine.
Chapter 5. Financial and Fiscal Year
Article 21. (Financial)
The expenses at the Academy are covered by the following receipts:
1. Admission fee.
2. The annual fee is set at the meeting.
3. Subsidies and loans.
4. Other income.
Article 22. (Fiscal Year)
The fiscal year of the Academy should be from 1 March to the end of the following February.
Article 23. (Supplementary Provisions)
The matters necessary for the execution of the Academy may be set by detailed regulations of enforcement.
1. This regulation will be enforced from the date of the approval of the Society of Korean Medicine.
2. Matters not set forth in this Code will be in accordance with general practice.
3. This regulation will be enforced from 1 January 1997.
4. This regulation will be enforced from 1 January 1999.
5. This regulation will be enforced from 1 January 2000.
6. This regulation will be enforced from 1 February 2003.
7. This regulation will be enforced from 15 March 2008.
8. This regulation will be enforced from 11 March 2017.

1. Chapter 2 Article 5 Paragraph 4 : Revised ¡°one vice-chairperson¡± to ¡°three vice-chairpeople¡± (1997.01.).
2. Chapter 2 Article 5 Paragraph 5 : Revised ¡°Steering Committee Member about 8 people¡± to ¡°Steering Committee Member about 10 people¡±(1997.01.).
3. Chapter 4 Article 12 Paragraph 2 : Revised ¡°in January¡± to ¡°in Apri¡±(1997.01.).
4. Chapter 5 Article 16 Paragraph 1 : Revised only ¡°Admission fee¡± to ¡°Admission fee 20,000 won¡±(1997.1.).
5. Chapter 5 Article 16 Paragraph 2 : Revised ¡°The annual fee and charge¡± to ¡°The annual fee 30,000 won and Charge¡±(1997.01.).
6. Chapter 1 Article 1 : Revised "Gi-Gong Medical" to "Medical Gi-Gong"(1999.01.).
7. Chapter 5 Article 16 Paragraph 1 : Revised ¡°Admission fee 20,000 won¡± to ¡°Admission fee 1000,000 won¡±(1999.01.).
8. Chapter 5 Article 16 Paragraph 2 : Revised ¡°The annual fee 30,000 won and Charge¡± to ¡°The annual fee is set at the meeting.¡±(1999.01.).
9. Chapter 2 Article 5 : The revision added " Advisery Council : A little bit." And ¡°Chief Vice Chairperson : 1 person.¡± (2000.01.).
10. Chapter 2 Article 5 : Revised ¡°Steering Committee Member about 10 people¡± to ¡°Director about 15 people¡±"(2000.01.).
11. Chapter 2 Article 5 Paragraph 8 and Chapter 4 Article 15 Paragraph 1 : Revised by deleting ¡°Assistant Administrator¡±(2000.01.).
12. Chapter 2 Article 6 : The revision added ¡°The Directors should organize the Board of Directors under the assignment of duties such as academic, planning, editing, promotion, education, computing, insurance, international exchange, training, and free office.¡±(2000.01.).
13. Chapter 4 Article 15 Paragraph 1, 2, 3 : Revised " Steering Committee" to "Board of Directors"(2000.01.).
14. Chapter 1 Article 1 (Name) : Revised ¡°ÀÇ·á±â°øºÐ°úÇÐȸ¡± to ¡±ÓÞùÛì¢ÖûѨÍíùÊü塱, and added English name to ¡°THE KOREAN ACADEMY OF MEDICAL GI-GONG¡±(2003.02.).
15. The Office clause in Chapter 1 Article 1 is newly revised to Article 2(2003.02.).
16. Chapter 1 Article 2 (Purpose and Activities) is revised by separating Articles into Article 3 (Purpose) and 4 (Activities)(2003.02.).
17. Chapter 1 Article 3 Paragraph 1, 2, 3 : Added revision of the qualification criteria for Honorary Member, Regular Member, and Associate Member(2003.02.).
18. Chapter 1 Article 4 (Member's Duty and Right) is divided into Article 6, 7, and 8, as revised by Article 6 (Member's Duty), Article 7 (Member's Right), and Article 8 (Loss of Qualification and Recovery). newly revised Paragraph 1-4 in Article 7 and newly revised Paragraph 1-2 in Article 8(2003.02.).
19. Chapter 3 Article 6 Paragraph 5 : Revised by deleting the clause of Assistant Administrator(2003.02.).
20. Chapter 4 Article 12 Paragraph 2 : Revised ¡°about April¡± to ¡°about January¡±(2003.02.).
21. Chapter 5 Article 16 Paragraph 1 : Revised ¡°Admission fee 1000,000 won¡± to ¡°Admission fee¡±(2003.02.).
22. Changed Article 5-18 to Article 9-22, respectively. See attached Table 1 for this(2003.02.).
23. Chapter 1 Article 2 : Revised Office not limited to Seoul. See attached Table 2(2008.3.15.).
24. Chapter 3 Article 9 Paragraph 8 : Revised ¡°Auditor : 2 people¡± to ¡°Auditor : 1-2 people¡±(2017.03.11.).
25. Chapter 4Àå Article 16 Paragraph 2 : Revised ¡°about January¡± to ¡°between January and March.¡± (2017.03.11.).
26. Simplified the ADDENDUM. See attached Table 3(2017.03.11.).