[20vol20no1-07] ¡¶üÜð¨Ò®Ìè¡·°ú ¡¶ÌØä¿îïßö¡·¿¡¼­ º¸ÀÌ´Â ñÐÀÇ ¾ç»ýÀû Àǹ̿¡ ´ëÇÑ ºÐ¼®- Á¤´ë¼º ¿Ü
252 ÀÌÀçÈï 2021.01.08 579  20vol20no1-07-JungDS.pdf (940 KB), 20vol20no1-07-eng.enw (1 KB), 20vol20no1-07-kor.enw (1 KB)
Á¤´ë¼º, ÀÌÀçÈï, ¹èÀç·æ. ¡¶üÜð¨Ò®Ìè¡·°ú ¡¶ÌØä¿îïßö¡·¿¡¼­ º¸ÀÌ´Â ñÐÀÇ ¾ç»ýÀû Àǹ̿¡ ´ëÇÑ ºÐ¼®. ì¢ÖûѨÍí. 2020;20(1):148-162
Dae Sung Jung, Jae Heung Lee, Jae Ryong Bae. Analysis of the Curative Meaning of Alcohol in ¡¶Hwangjenaegyeong(üÜð¨Ò®Ìè)¡· and ¡¶Gyeongakjeonseo(ÌØä¿îïßö)¡·. Medical Gigong. 2020;20(1):148-162
Vol.20. No.1. 2020.12.31. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22942/mg.2020.20.1.148

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Analysis of the Curative Meaning of Alcohol in ¡¶Hwangjenaegyeong(üÜð¨Ò®Ìè)¡· and ¡¶Gyeongakjeonseo(ÌØä¿îïßö) ¡·

Dae Sung Jung *, Jae Heung Lee *, Jae Ryong Bae*
* : The Member of the Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong

Objective : The purpose of this study is not only to examine the negative functions of alcohol, but also to examine the positive functions and look at it with a balanced perspective.

Methods : We investigated the number of times the word ¡°ñС±(alcohol) appears in ¡¶Hwangjenaegyeong¡· and ¡¶Gyeongakjeonseo¡·. The meaning of alcohol was divided into seven categories. The number of positive and negative functions of alcohol was counted and the ratio was calculated.

Results : 1. In the ¡¶Hwangjenaegyeong¡·, the word alcohol appears 23 times, of which 9 times has positive functions, 10 times has negative functions, and the remaining 4 times does not correspond anywhere. The ratio of positive functions is 39.13% and negative functions 43.48%.
2. In the ¡¶Gyeongakjeonseo¡·, the word alcohol appears 1,487 times, of which 1,140 times (76.66%) has positive functions, and 327 times (21.99%) has negative functions.

Conclusions : 1. In ¡¶Hwangjenaegyeong¡·, the number of comments about positive and negative functions of alcohol is similar.
2. ¡¶Gyeongakjeonseo¡· has commented a lot about the positive functions of alcohol. However, it has more mentions to negative functions of alcohol except for those related to herbs and prescriptions (48 to 64 chapter).
3. It is somewhat unreasonable to judge the emphasis on the positive and negative function of alcohol according to the number of references to alcohol in oriental medicine classics. But in these books, we can find a balanced approach between the two sides, not a one-sided biased view.
4. From a curative point of view, it is desirable to know and to use the positive and negative functions of alcohol, and drink alcohol as appropriate control.

* Keywords : Alcohol(ñÐ), Negative Functions, Positive Functions, ¡¶Hwangjenaegyeong(黄ð¨内Ìè)¡·, ¡¶Gyeongakjeonseo(ÌØä¿îïßö)¡·, Yangseng. ¼úÀÇ ¼ø±â´É°ú ¿ª±â´É, ¾ç»ý

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