[20vol20no1-01] Æó±â´Â ¼ûÀ» Âü´Â °ÍÀΰ¡? – ¾ÈÈƸð, ³ª»ï½Ä, °­ÇÑÁÖ
246 ÀÌÀçÈï 2021.01.07 754  20vol20no1-01-eng.enw (1 KB), 20vol20no1-01-AhnHM.pdf (875 KB), 20vol20no1-01-kor.enw (1 KB)
¾ÈÈƸð, ³ª»ï½Ä, °­ÇÑÁÖ. Æó±â´Â ¼ûÀ» Âü´Â °ÍÀΰ¡? ì¢ÖûѨÍí. 2020;20(1):1-14
Hun Mo Ahn, Sam Sik Na, Han Joo Kang. Does "Pyegi" Mean Holding One's Breath? Medical Gigong. 2020;20(1):1-14

Vol.20. No.1. 2020.12.31. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22942/mg.2020.20.1.001

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¾ÈÈƸð*, ³ª»ï½Ä*, °­ÇÑÁÖ*

* : ´ëÇÑÀÇ·á±â°øÇÐȸ

Does "Pyegi" Mean Holding One's Breath?

Hun Mo Ahn*, Sam Sik Na*, Han Joo Kang*
* : The Member of the Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong

Objective : The purpose of this study is to grasp the concept of Pyegi and to find out the points of attention in the study of the classics of Korean Medicine.

Methods : We searched domestic and foreign databases for examples of Pyegi used in classics and prior research on Pyegi, Taesik, and Respiration.
Results : As a result of searching the Kanseki Repository, Pyegi appeared 1,710 times in 335 kinds of literatures. In the Korean Traditional Medicine Knowledge DB, Pyegi appeared 61 times in 21 kinds of literature. In the Korean Classics Comprehensive DB, a total of 25 data were searched for Pyegi, and 10 of them were translated.

Conclusions : The term "Pyegi" should not be interpreted in a linguistic sense. In order to understand the intention of the sentence at the time, "Pyegi" must be translated into breathing control exercises during Naedan training methods.

* Keywords : Pyegi(øÍѨ), Taesik(÷ÃãÓ), Donguibogam(ÔÔì¢ÜÄÊü), Yonghobigeol(éÌûÛÝúÌÁ), Gyshajinjeon(Ñ·ÞËòØï¬), Breathing Control.

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