[13vol13no1-05] µ¿ÀǺ¸°¨À» Áß½ÉÀ¸·ÎÇÑ ¼ö±â¿ä¹ýÀÇ ¹®Ç忬±¸ - ÃÖ±ÔÇö, ¹èÀç·æ, Á¤´ë¼º, ÃÖÇüÀÏ
196 ÀÌÀçÈï 2020.02.05 606  13vol13no1-05-ÃÖ±ÔÇö.pdf (810 KB), 13vol13no1-05-kor.enw (1 KB), 13vol13no1-05-eng.enw (1 KB)
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Kyu Hyun Choi, Jae Ryong Bae, Dae Sung Jung, Hyung Il Choi. A Literature Research on SuGi-therapy(â¢Ñ¨èþÛö) in Donguibogam(ÔÔì¢ÜÄÊü). J. of Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. 2013;13(1):56-76


A Literature Research on SuGi-therapy(â¢Ñ¨èþÛö) in Donguibogam(ÔÔì¢ÜÄÊü)

Objective : The aim of this study was to find the literature basis on SuGi-therapy(â¢Ñ¨èþÛö) in Donguibogam.

Methods : Anma(äÎؤ), Doin(ÓôìÚ), Angyo(äÎ蹻), Anap(äÎäâ) and Chuna(õÏÑÚ), the keyword of this study, were researched, analyzed and classified in Donguibogam.

Results : 1) In Donguibogam, the keyword Anma(äÎؤ) and Doin(ÓôìÚ) showed up 10 and 33 times, respectively and 7 and 20 times, respectively in the body except the table of contents. In considering the meaningful cases, in short, Anma(äÎؤ) and Doin(ÓôìÚ) appeared 7 and 16 times, respectively. Furthermore we could know Anma(äÎؤ) showed up 4 times with the highest frequency in Oehyeongpyeon(èâû¡ø¹), and Doin(ÓôìÚ) showed up 11 times with the highest frequency in Naegyeongpyeon(Ò®ÌØø¹).
2) Anma(äÎؤ) was mostly used as a separate word and only 2 times was ¡°Anmadoin(äÎؤÓôìÚ)¡± used. In 16 meaningful cases, Doin(ÓôìÚ) was used as "Doinbeop(ÓôìÚÛö)¡° 14 times and 2 times was "Anmadoin(äÎؤÓôìÚ)¡± used in a linked form. Among 14 times when "Doinbeop(ÓôìÚÛö)¡° was referred, it was stated as "Do Doinbeop(ÓôìÚÛö)¡± without any detailed explanations 2 times and it was explained about how to pose when people do Doinbeop(ÓôìÚÛö) for prevention and treatment 12 times.

3) Reviewed in Donguibogam, Anma(äÎؤ) and Doin(ÓôìÚ) were the ChoGi-therapy(ðàѨèþÛö) in all. Because they include both massaging by oneself and getting a massage from someone else, they all could be 'SuGi-therapy(â¢Ñ¨èþÛö)' in a broad sense.

4) In Sikjeokbyeong(ãÓîÝÜ»), the 12th chapter of Jeokchwimun(îÝö©Ùþ) in Japbyeongpyeon(íÚÜ»ø¹), Doinbeop(ÓôìÚÛö) was referred as the treatment of Jeok(îÝ) which belongs to obstinate and incurable diseases. This means SuGi-therapy(â¢Ñ¨èþÛö) could be the basis of using widely on several incurable diseases in modern society.

5) There is few paper about SuGi-therapy(â¢Ñ¨èþÛö). SuGi-therapy(â¢Ñ¨èþÛö) doesn't seem to form a large part in modern Korean medicine but it is a remedy that has been together with the history of Korean medicine so long and has great therapeutic effects and usefulness. From now on, the literature and clinical study on SuGi-therapy(â¢Ñ¨èþÛö) should be conducted continuously and developed for the better.

*Key Words : Donguibogam(ÔÔì¢ÜÄÊü), Anma(äÎؤ), Doin(ÓôìÚ), SuGi-therapy(â¢Ñ¨èþÛö), ChoGi-therapy(ðàѨèþÛö), Jeok(îÝ)



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