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180 ÀÌÀçÈï 2020.02.05 686  09vol11no1-12.pdf (592 KB), 09vol11no1-12-kor.enw (1 KB), 09vol11no1-12-eng.enw (1 KB)
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Hyun-ho Shin, Woo Jun Choi, Jun Chul Kim, Sam sick Na, Hun Mo Ahn. Clinical studies of patients with suspected liver injury. J. of Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. 2009;11(1):326-339


Clinical studies of patients with suspected liver injury

Hyun-ho Shin*․ Woo-Jun Choi*․ Jun-Chul Kim* ․
Sam-sick Na* ․ Hun-Mo Ahn*

*Dept. of The Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong

Objective : The studies on liver effect in administration of western medicine have been well-established so far, but the studies on liver effect in administration or herbal medicine haven't been made. To make things worse, people who have liver disease generally believe that taking a herbal medicine is not useful to take care or their disease and even think it can cause liver disease. But this belief is not verified at all. So we feel the need to study about how taking herbal medicine affect to liver injury patient.

Methods : We chose the 4 patient who seems to have the liver injury on the index of liver function test and we administrate the herbal medicine and after several day or weeks we recheck the liver function test.

Results : Through the this method, we find the positive effect of taking herbal medicine on the patients who have the liver disease.

Conclusions : Our results give no evidence that herbal medicine is harmful for liver disease. We need to study more about this.

Key words : °£±â´É °Ë»ç, LFT, liver function test, herbal medicine



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