[09vol11no1-11] îî÷Ö ÷ÃÎçÀÇ ÙþúÌîÜ ÍÅóÌ ¹× Ð×Ðû æÚϼ - ¹ÚÁöÇö, ¹èÀç·æ, ÃÖÇüÀÏ, ÀÌ°è½Â
179 ÀÌÀçÈï 2020.02.05 615  09vol11no1-11.pdf (770 KB), 09vol11no1-11-kor.enw (1 KB), 09vol11no1-11-eng.enw (1 KB)
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Jee hyun Park, Jae Ryong Bae, Jeong A Ha, Seung Cheol Hong. A Study on Taboo in the Traditional Prenatal Education from the Medical Perspective. J. of Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. 2009;11(1):284-325


A Study on Taboo in the Traditional Prenatal Education from the Medical Perspective

Jee-hyun Park* ․ Jae-ryong Bae* ․ Jeong-A Ha* ․ Seung-cheol Hong*

*Dept. of The Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong

This study aims to investigate the educational significance in modern education by analysis on the contents of taboo in the Korean traditional prenatal education. For this study, the concrete matters are prepared for investigation as follows:
First, the contents of prenatal education are analyzed with special reference to the Chinese bibliography and the Korean bibliography related to its own traditional prenatal education.

Second, the contents of taboo in prenatal education are broadly classified into Chun-ki(ô¸Ðû), Chi-ki(ò¢Ðû), and In-ki(ìÑÐû), and in turn, In-ki is classified into taboo related to clothing, taboo related to food, Taboo related to housing, and man's taboo, and all of them are interpreted.
Third, the characteristics of taboo in the Korean traditional prenatal education and its principle are analyzed, and its significance is researched from the modern educational point of view.
This study attempts to classify the contents of taboo into Chun-ki, Chi-ki, In-ki, and man's taboo based upon analysis of the documentary records related to the traditionary prenatal education in China and Korea for the successful investigation.
The characteristic such as common discipline, the time limit and prevention are induced on the basis of this investigation, and its modern educational significance as follows:
First, prenatal education must be conduced as a part of youth education and preparatory parents education for the married couple.
Second, man or husband plays a very important role of practising taboo in prenatal education.
Third, taboo in prenatal education is very suggestive in the aspect of human relationship and mental health of the pregnant woman.
Fourth, it prevents her obesity and strain.
Fifth, the scientific proof and education of taboo related to food must be needed.

Keyword: Tradition, Prenatal education, Taboo



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