[09vol11no1-05] ñ¦ý¹°ú á³ñ²ô¸ ¼ö·ÃÀÇ »ó°ü¼º¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ - ÇãÁöÀÎ, ÀÌÀçÈï, ÃÖÇüÀÏ, ÀÌ°è½Â
173 ÀÌÀçÈï 2020.02.05 655  09vol11no1-05.pdf (805 KB), 09vol11no1-05-kor.enw (1 KB), 09vol11no1-05-eng.enw (1 KB)
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Ji In Huh, Jae Heung Lee, Hyeong Il Choi, Gye Seung Lee. Studies on the Similar Effects between Jwahun(ñ¦ý¹) and Sojucheon(á³ñ²ô¸)_Practice. J. of Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. 2009;11(1):144-172


Studies on the Similar Effects between Jwahun(ñ¦ý¹) and Sojucheon(á³ñ²ô¸)_Practice

Ji-In Huh* ․ Jae-Heung Lee* ․ Hyeong-Il Choi* ․ Gye-Seung Lee*

*Dept. of The Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong

objectives : This research aimed to study the similar effects between Jwahun and Sojucheon_practice, as both Induces to SooSengg-HwaGang(the coordination of water and fire).

methods : 141 recipients of the survey was conducted in the Jwahun room of Korean medicine Hospital, which contained to body reaction between the moment of the Jwahun and after the Jwahun. And the result of them compared with the body's response of Sojucheon_practice
results : 1. In a survey, 78% of the patients had responses that were sweating. The area sweating a lot in the survey is the face, abdomen, chest and was, in this order, the ratio was high. About feeling of warmth and coolness, survey of those who felt the warmth ratio was 79%, those who did not feel the coolness ratio was 77%, most of the responses were warm bodies. 46% of patients replied that feels warm in the belly. It said the fact that Jwahun directly to the lower body is to warm. 2. Symptoms of congestion of the head on the survey, 78% of investigators did not appeal. Other investigators were responding they were dizzy. Research on pain and itching, but no response was at 84%. Among the responses to the itchiness, itching perineum was 11% of the respondents. The rest was weak. 3. Associated with defecation in the survey, the investigators found that 33% of respondents said fart. Urine is 22% of respondents said. Abdominal reactions, 33% of respondents answered was taking a tone in the abdomen. In response to the whole body reaction, the most relaxing 39% of the respondents said, 22% of respondents replied that the body feel lighter. 4. After Jwahun, belly is warm and cathartic reactions were the most responsive. This said that Jwahun even after, in the lower abdomen lasting warmth as can be seen. Smooth bowel movements disproves the abdominal organs is a good move. It will also be seen in the same context of bowel movements, abdominal response when just doing Jwahun.
conclusions : Jwahun activate the meridians and through the perineum stimulation induced imdokmaek(ìòÔ½Øæ) SooSengg- HwaGang(â©ã®ûý˽) to enable the training and some Sojucheon can have similar effects.

key words : Jwahun(ñ¦ý¹), SooSengg-HwaGang(â©ã®ûý˽), sojucheon(á³ñ²ô¸), Survey



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