[09vol11no1-04] ÀüÅëÀû Ãâ»ê¹ý¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¹®ÇåÀû °íÂû - À±¼º¹Î, °­ÇÑÁÖ, Á¤¿ì¼®, Àå¸íÁØ
172 ÀÌÀçÈï 2020.02.05 666  09vol11no1-04-kor.enw (1 KB), 09vol11no1-04-eng.enw (1 KB), 09vol11no1-04.pdf (679 KB)
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À±¼º¹Î, °­ÇÑÁÖ, Á¤¿ì¼®, Àå¸íÁØ. ÀüÅëÀû Ãâ»ê¹ý¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¹®ÇåÀû °íÂû. ´ëÇÑÀÇ·á±â°øÇÐȸÁö. 2009;11(1):117-143
Seong Min Youn, Han Ju Kang, Woo Seok Jeong, Myeong Jun Jang. Study of the oriental medical literature for traditional childbirth. J. of Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. 2009;11(1):117-143


Study of the oriental medical literature for traditional childbirth

Seong-min Youn* ․ Han-ju Kang* ․ Woo-seok Jeong* ․ Myeong-jun Jang

*Dept. of The Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong

The community of women into society in various fields is expanding, and married late, and accordingly, the first child birth is increasing age. Accordingly, dystocia has also increased. Listed in the literature that the traditional method of birth seemed to oriental medical interpretation of one of the ancient wisdom of the predecessors to explore.
The result of this study is summarized as follows.
1. Child birth custom divide into childbirth preparation, childbirth and postpartum care. Postpartum care divide into preparation of the birthplace, food for pregnant woman and birth preparation of the necessary things.
2. Preparation of the birthplace of the court case and that qeen is three months, one month before that in the case of concubines were installed. The difference in manners, and actual number but the configuration of the same item was prepared. In the private, birthplace is installed husband's home or parent's home.
3. Rice and seaweed is food for pregnant woman. San Miguel (产 Ú·), sangwak (ߣ Ϋ) specifically called was selected by Keep elaborate.
4. 1 month before birth to baby clothing is usually prepared. For the safe of a paturient woman and a baby, magical prescription was practiced in so-guk-so(á¹Ì«ßþ) in early chosun dynasty. After so-guk-so(á¹Ì«ßþ) abolished magical practice was stopped. Then Wore old clothes based on dong-ui-bo-gam(ÔÔì¢ÜÄÊü)
5. Im-san-ye-zi-bub(ìú产çãòªÛö) specifically to instruct the royal birth is the birth of guidelines. Im-san-ye-zi-bub(ìú产çãòªÛö) cosist of birth place, abdominal pain Precautions, food, care after childbirth, remove the plecenta posion, method of cut navel, bath, protection. Through various court records of the situation, according to the guidelines are properly applied based on dong-ui-bo-gam(ÔÔì¢ÜÄÊü).

Keyword : Traditional childbirth, Im-san-ye-zi-bub(ìú产çãòªÛö), dong-ui-bo-gam(ÔÔì¢ÜÄÊü), Oriental medicine.



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