[09vol11no1-02] â¢Ñ¨èþÛö¿¡ µû¸¥ ô÷æðܨûùÀÇ ÝïÎò æÚϼ- ÃÖÁö¿µ, ÇãÁø, Á¤¸í¼ö, À̱Ⳳ
170 ÀÌÀçÈï 2020.02.05 627  09vol11no1-02.pdf (716 KB), 09vol11no1-02-kor.enw (1 KB), 09vol11no1-02-eng.enw (1 KB)
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Ji Young Choi, Jin Huh, Myong Soo Chong, Ki Nam Lee. A Study on Thermographic Change of DITI by Sugi Therapy. J. of Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. 2009;11(1):59-79


A Study on Thermographic Change of DITI by Sugi Therapy.

Ji-young Choi*, Jin Huh**, Myong-Soo Chong*, Ki-nam Lee*

*Dept. of Preventive Medicine,
College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
**Dept. of Prescriptionology,
College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University

Objective: I carried out this study for research on thermographic change of DITI by Sugi Therapy.
Methods: This study was conducted on 22 normal cases (M : F =4 :18) with no past history to observe the effect of Sugi Therapy. 22 cases were divided into 2 groups. One group is a control group treated by only Acupuncture Therapy. The other group is a treatment group treated by Acupuncture Therapy and Sugi Therapy. I measured temperature of abdomen and palm by DITI (Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging) before and after treatment
Result: 1. Overall the temperature difference of the treatment group was bigger than that of the control group.
2. On the palm, the average value of the treatment group was -0.56¡¾0.70, which is lower 10 times than -0.06¡¾0.91 of the control group.
3. On Chung-wan(CV12), the average value of the treatment group was 1.20¡¾0.49, which is 2.15 times higher than 0.56¡¾0.44 of the control group.
4. On Kwanwon(CV4), the average value of the treatment group was 0.77¡¾0.73, which is 1.38 times higher than 0.55¡¾0.39 of the control group.
5. To compare the temperature difference on the palm, Chung-wan(CV12) and Kwanwon(CV4) before and after treatment, the order is like this :Chung-wan(CV12) > Kwanwon(CV4) > palm of all treatment group and control group.
Conclusion: I came to a conclusion that Sugi Theraphy is likely to work better with Acupuncture Therapy better than only Acupuncture Therapy, especially on Chung-wan(CV12).

key word : Sugi Therapy, thermographic change, palm, Chung-wan(CV12), Kwanwon(CV4)



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