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Jeong Hwan Kim, So Hee Kwon, Ae Jung Kim, Myung hyo Seo, Jae Soo Park, Gi Nam Lee. Level of Yangseng by Certain Elderly People in connection with their Perception of health - Focused on the Elderly People in Jeonbuk Area -. J. of Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. 2005;8(1):115-127


Level of Yangseng by Certain Elderly People in connection
with their Perception of health - Focused on the Elderly People in Jeonbuk Area -

Jeong-Hwan Kim

Dept. of Oriental Medicine,
Graduate School of Wonkwang University
Directed by Ki-Nam Lee, O.M.D.,Ph.D.

The present study aims to provide efficient regimen by means of the Oriental medicine tool to measure Yangseng developed to fit the situation of Korea. For this purpose, the elderly people aged older than 65 were selected and their level of Yangseng was compared and analyzed depending on their perception of health. From the study, following conclusions could be drawn:

1. The total subject of study were 763 consisting mostly of the illiterate and spoused with disease but without leisure activities.
2. Most of the subjects were found to have little confidence with their health. With regard to their level of Yangseng, higher points were rated in morality yangseng, followed by activities & rest, diet, mind yangseng, sleep, seasonal yangseng, exercise and sex life in order.
3. By socio-demographic characters for the group with confidence in health, there were more male than female, with spouse, disease and leisure activities currently. In the group without confidence in health, there were more female, without spouse and leisure activity but with disease presently.
4. As for the level of Yangseng in the group with confidence in health, higher points were recorded in morality yangseng, followed by activities & rest, mind yangseng, diet, sleep, exercise and sex life in order. In case of the group without confidence in health, higher points were recorded in morality yangseng, followed by activities & rest, diet, mind yangseng, sleep, exercise and sex life in order.

From the above outcomes, it would be necessary to motivate the subjects to have a renewed concept for health and efficient regimen. Continued and repeated eforts should be made to fill the gap in the study using the tool to measure Yangseng of the elderly people.



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