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¹Ýâ¿­.¡¶ß²ìéãêÍΡ·¿¡ ³ªÅ¸³­ ì¢ÖûѨÍí¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ. ´ëÇÑÀÇ·á±â°øÇÐȸÁö. 2004;7(2):40-94
Chang Yul Ban. A Study on medical Qigong mentioned in ¡¶Samilshingo¡·(ß²ìéãêÍÎ). J. of Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. 2004;7(2):40-94


A Study on medical Qigong mentioned in ¡¶Samilshingo¡·(ß²ìéãêÍÎ)

Chang Yul Ban
Department of Oriental Medicine
Graduate School Daegu Haany University Gyeongbuk Korea
Supervised by prof. Seon Young Jee, O.M.D., Ph.D

Recently, meditation, Zen meditation and Qigong became popular in western. For that reason, Value of Korea traditional methods for health promotion have been evaluated but theoretical evidence about that is insufficient.
¡¶The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic¡·(üÜð¨Ò®Ìè).
So, I reviewed history of Korea Qigong according to period, in order to
produce theoretical evidence of Korea medical Qigong and investigated ¡¸Ha
n¡¹thought(¡¸ÇÑ¡¹ÞÖßÌ) as theoretical evidence of Korea Qigong.
I have obtained following results by comparing meaning of god, a view of human body and practice method of the ¡¶Samilshingo¡·(ß²ìéãêÍÎ) with ¡¶The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic¡·(üÜð¨Ò®Ìè).
Sinsundo(ãêà¹Ô³) of native to race became active during the period of the Three Kingdoms but more disappeared due to under the influence of Taoism. So only has been remained in existence since the period of the unity silla.
There could accept positively the foreign ideas belonging to Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have been brought since the period of the Three Kingdoms because ¡¶Samilshingo¡·(ß²ìéãêÍÎ), one of three the scriptures as the origin of ¡¸Han¡¹thought(¡¸ÇÑ¡¹ÞÖßÌ) included the original form of three religion belonging to Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism.
Three common results as theoretical evidence of Qigong were found out by comparing ¡¶Samilshingo¡·(ß²ìéãêÍÎ) with ¡¶The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic¡·(üÜð¨Ò®Ìè).
First, in meaning of god, there is not only different from the gods of heaven and the gods of human but also keep understanding with each other and there was common feature of logical structure that function of god was divided into three.
Second, In a view of human body, there were in common with ¡¶Samilshingo¡·(ß²ìéãêÍÎ) as theory of only as energy(ѨìéêªÖå), theory of bisection as truth․false(òØØÍì£ÝÂÖå), theory of trisection as spirit(àõ)․destiny(Ù¤)․nature(ïñ) and mind(ãý)․energy(Ѩ)․body(ãó)(àõ․Ù¤․ïñ, ãý․Ѩ․ãóÀÇ ß²ÝÂÖå) and ¡¶The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic¡·(üÜð¨Ò®Ìè) as theory of only as energy(ѨìéêªÖå), theory of bisection as shape and god(û¡ãêì£ÝÂÖå), theory of trisection as nature(ïñ)․energy(Ѩ)․god(ãê) or shape(û¡)․energy(Ѩ)․god(ãê)(ïñ․Ѩ․ãê, û¡․Ѩ․ãêÀÇ ß²ÝÂÖå) according to formal part.
Also, spirit(àõ)․destiny(Ù¤)․nature(ïñ) as truths of three(ß²òØ) were understand as nature(ïñ)․energy(Ѩ)․god(ãê) as treasure of three(ß²ÜÄ) by part of reason and mind(ãý)․energy(Ѩ)․body(ãó) as false of three(ß²ØÍ) were understand as nature(ïñ)․energy(Ѩ)․god(ãê) as treasure of three(ß²ÜÄ) by part of function.
Third, In practice method, pause of thinking(ò­Êï)․modulation of breath(ðàãÓ). prohibition of sensibility(Ð×õº) mentioned in ¡¶Samilshingo¡·(ß²ìéãêÍÎ) as practice method each were understand regulation of an etiological cause as
an internal cause, an external cause and not internal and external cause in oriental medicine.
Namely, pause of thinking(ò­Êï) was understand as regulation method of emotion, mind and nature, modulation of breath(ðàãÓ) was not only as modulation of energy from the inner parts of the body but also that from the internal and external parts of the body, prohibition of sensibility(Ð×õº) was understand as regulation method of ear, eye, mouth, and nose and posture, life style.
These results suggest that ¡¶Samilshingo¡·(ß²ìéãêÍÎ) is worth meaning of Korea medical Qigong because meaning of god, a view of human body, practice method of mentioned in ¡¶Samilshingo¡·(ß²ìéãêÍÎ) is common with that of ¡¶The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic¡·(üÜð¨Ò®Ìè) as theoretical evidence of Qigong.


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